Property Valuation Studies

The technical office “George Kartsakis” has the ability to provide a wide range of services and technical-economic analysies for real estate valuation.

The technical office “George Kartsakis” has the ability to provide a wide range of services and technical-economic analysis for real estate valuation, overseen and prepared by Georgios Kartsakis REV, Civil Engineer of NTUA with numerous years of experience and an extensive cv. The valuation reports are conducted in accordance with the current European Valuation Standards of TEGoVA (The European Group of Valuers' Associations) and the International Valuation Standards (I.V.S.), as well as to the current “Code of Ethics of Certified Valuers” of the Ministry of Finance of Greece.

Georgios Kartsakis holds a certification as an 'Expert Valuer In Real Estate Property' - REV (Recognised European Valuer - Certificate Registration Number: REV-GR/AVAG/2021/21) and is a Certified Valuer included in the Registry of Certified Valuers of the Ministry of Finance of Greece (Registry No. 755).

The technical-economic analysis is thoroughly prepared with professional integrity in accordance to the “Code of Ethics”, tailored to the type and scope of the valuation, and takes into account all factors that affect the assessment. Each valuation must provide an informed and independent opinion of value supported by a recognised basis or bases of valuation.

The valuation must be presented in clear written form to a professional standard, transparent as to the instruction, purpose, approaches, bases, methods and conclusions of the valuation, as well as the purpose for which it will be used.

Georgios Kartsakis holds a certification as an 'Expert Valuer In Real Estate Property' - REV (Recognised European Valuer) and is a Certified Valuer included in the Registry of Certified Valuers of the Ministry of Finance of Greece.